anyone about to begin a program of
inversion therapy we offer a few suggestions. |
slowly: Invert only 15 to 20 degrees
at first, and stay inverted only as long as
it feels comfortable, which may only be a
few seconds at first. Remarkably, you can
gain all of the benefits of inversion without
ever fully inverting yourself. Most people
find 20 to 60 degrees of decline adequate
and very comfortable.
up slowly: When you come back upright the
pressure is again placed on the discs and
nerves. Come up slowly and relax at the horizontal
before coming upright.
changes gradually: Increase the angle
of incline only if it is comfortable, and
only increase the angle a few degrees at a
time. The Teeter Hang Ups EP-550,
inversion tables have a tether strap to help
people stay within their inversion range.
People can add rocking back and forth (rhythmic
traction) to their inversion program once
they feel comfortable.
attention to your body: You're unique,
and your body will tell you what's good for
it. You determine the pace when adapting to
the inverted world.
after a long day at a 25-45 degree angle for
15-20 minutes can be a great stress relieving
& rejuvenating experience.
Intermittent Traction: Use intermittent
traction (pull and release) or rhythmic traction
to encourage blood, lymph, and spinal fluid
circulation. Moving, twisting, stretching,
and light exercise while inverted aids in
the alignment of bones and organs while minimizing
any increase in blood pressure, but strenuous
exercise is not recommended while inverted.
Just relax and enjoy!
it regularly: There are a variety of
inversion programs and exercises. Trust yourself
to find the approach that's best for you,
and then do it every day. Two or three short
sessions (15-20 minutes) a day seem to work
best for most people.
is a very dynamic & effective form of
traction. Even at a 45
degree angle a person is achieving a greater
force of pull on the back than hospital traction.
The force of the pull registers much stronger
on the body than it does on the conscious
mind. This is why it iseasy to over stretch
the muscles & nerves of the back and neck
& possibly get a spasm. Remember, most
adults have not hung upside down since they
were little kids.
using inversion for a while usually the disc
compression and nerve pain is relieved enough
to begin an exercise
program. Most people suffering disc
compression have a problem with pelvic
tilt that adds to the malalignment
of the spine and nerve irritation. This pelvic
tilt problem and some exercises are
discussed on this page click
on years of research and the testimonials
of thousands of people who have found relief
from back pain, inversion is a powerful, natural
option for people who want to relieve lower
back pain. Sometimes there's an explanation
for why inversion works, and sometimes there
isn't - it works for some and not for others.
We only know that for many people, literally
turning their world upside down through inversion
therapy can provide an alternative to drugs
and surgery in a life filled with daily pain.
people say it is the greatest stretch they
have had in years.
Bernard Jensen who many consider to be one
of the greatest naturopathic teachers and
healers of the 20th century recommends using
a slant board as part of an optimum health
program. This inversion
table does everything the slant board does
and more!!!
luck! Be Safe. Don't overdue it.